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If you have a salt chlorinator, you should remember to clean it regularly. Salt chlorinators are a part of the pool filtration system and are responsible for producing chlorine. When the cell gets dirty, they can’t produce enough chlorine to keep your water clean and clear.


Calcium Buildup

The recommended cleaning frequency is every three months. However, the more time that passes between cleanings, the more calcium buildup there will be insideyour salt chlorinator cell, and thus cleaning it will take longer and be more difficult. A buildup of

calcium will also damage your salt cell, making it doubly important to keep this expensive and vital part of your pool clean and working well.


Not sure how to go about cleaning your salt chlorinator cell? You should check with an expert before doing anything yourself. The Pool Doctor team are salt pool specialists and mineral pool care professionals. We’re always happy to offer advice and tips to help you achieve the best result for your pool and lifestyle. Plus we have a team of trained technicians who can come to your place and sort it out for you.

calcium-poolSlow the Process

Prevent calcium build up on your salt cell and pool walls. Aquashield is a great product that makes calcium build up on your salt cell remain soft. As a result, your cell requires less cleaning and lasts longer. Saving you money! It also helps prevent calcium and magnesium staining on pool walls.

It’s also really easy to use! Just add it to your pool water and let it work its magic.


We hope this article helped you understand a little more about your salt chlorinator. Got questions? Feel free to contact us, we’re always ready to have a chat and help. Find out how to clean your salt water cell here

If cleaning your cell is difficult, contact us and book a service. Let Pool Doctor take the hassle out of cleaning your pool equipment. You’ll be swimming sooner!

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